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Fifty, not Frumpy & More

December 5, 2012

IMG_2599Every once in a while during my online travels and ongoing conversations with women over fifty, I run across an exciting new voice. This was my experience when I stumbled upon Susan Street’s page on Facebook, FiftyNotFrumpy. She provides a breath of fresh air for women who are tired of trying to find their way around the fashion world and what it seems to offer to the older woman. I was so excited when Susan accepted my invitation to write an article for the Aging Abundantly website. I hope you’ll travel on over there and hear what she has to say. 


CVS has also generously offered us a pharmacist to answer any questions we have about Medicare, medications, chronic conditions and anything else we might want to know a little bit more about. In her first article, Papatya Tankut, Vice President of Pharmacy Affairs for CVS provides Tips for Navigating the Medicare Part D Plan Selection Process.


For those who are caring for aging parents and family members:

Creating a Support Network During a Health Crisis

The Internet Provides Support for Caregivers

Improve Safety and Ease of Mobility – Aging In Place


This is what’s happening online. What’s happening off-line is that I’m getting closer to finishing my new book and I can’t wait to share it with you!

What’s going on in your world?

2 Comments leave one →
  1. December 9, 2012 2:30 pm

    As a just-turned 60 year old, I have found you cannot go wrong with “classic” & “casual”. Add some accessories like jewelry or cute boots with jeans & still feel youthful. ^_^

    • December 10, 2012 12:53 pm

      I always appreciate your comments Diane! I bounce back and forth between classic and hippy… schizophrenic for sure!

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