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Living From Our Heart

July 28, 2011

“My flame burns brightly. I live in integrity with myself and my God.                                                 I am not the sum of what you think of me.

I am who I was created to be and work daily to continue to be more                                                 and more of that wonderful creation called me.” 

Affirmation by Jill Davis


Living from our heart seems to be a difficult thing for most of us.  Our pure, honest voice, lost or muffled in infancy, has been replaced with a façade cobbled together to create someone who is acceptable to the world. We like to think the face we present to the world is real, but it rarely is. From the time we take our first breath we modify our behavior, our thoughts, and our reactions in an attempt to please and appease our care providers. We need them to stay alive and healthy, at least initially. Our natural survival instinct drives us to gain the attentions of those responsible for our care.

The lucky among us had care givers who not only recognized but were able to reflect to us the unique gifts and individual character traits with which we were born; care providers who fostered, nurtured and created a safe environment within which we could bloom and flourish and become ourselves. Real. Honest. Fearless.

Most of us were not so lucky. To one degree or another, those charged with our care hammered away at our uniqueness attempting to diminish traits not to their liking.  They could not see or ignored important gifts that make us who we truly are. In the process, we understandably lost sight of where we began, and forgotten who we truly are.  What remains is a pseudo-self that we present to the world and believe to be who in fact we are. We wonder why we feel out of step with ourselves.

Underneath the mask, the real, true and honest us still exists.  Waiting.  Ready. Willing to be freed, to live and breathe and find expression. It is our job, particularly as we age, to remove the mask we may have created to survive, piece by piece, bit by bit and to rediscover our birthright.

Too often we simply create a new mask to replace the old one, thinking that it will cure our dis-ease. We whittle away at our bodies, using diets, exercise, and plastic surgery to create a more perfect image of ourselves. We launch off on new careers, leave our spouses or significant others, sell our home and take to the road in search of better life, a better way, a better us. We look outward for the answers and find a temporary fix.

If we are not careful we can go on this way until our days on this earth are done and never have sung our song, for we are looking in the wrong place to find our truth.  Our truth lies within us, and will always be found in the recognition and acceptance of who we are inside of ourselves, in our souls. It is only when we find that place that we can begin to live in integrity with ourselves, with our God and with the world. Then, we will know the meaning of our lives. The, we will know peace.

4 Comments leave one →
  1. July 28, 2011 3:16 pm

    You are spot on, Dorothy. Uncobbling happens spontaneously when we sit in quiet just being. Sometimes one can feel the mask cracking and falling away. Now that’s to celebrate!

  2. July 29, 2011 3:00 pm

    There is a lot of wisdom here — I think one of the benefits of aging can be a gradual freeing from trying to please everyone out of obligation. To be more intentional about listening to one’s heart helps to move us in that direction — but hopefully without becoming so self-absorbed we aren’t compassionate to those around us. To move from obligation to acting out of who we are — that is a healthier framework.

  3. jazzminey permalink
    July 30, 2011 3:39 pm

    This is exactly what I wish to do now at this stage in my life, to find the me that was hidden and be who I am wholly and fully. Not an easy task. Time and again I find me denigrating myself. I took on what I thought was the opinion of the caregivers around me; I loathed me. In order to live within that framework, I needed to distance myself. I see a step forward in living from my heart, being me, is to love and care for that which was hated and smile. Now as I take care of my baby grandson, I can see the unique, innocent, open, vibrant, being he is and how easily his open trusting nature could be squashed. I take joy in allowing him to live from who he is and not directing his development. Thank you for your thoughts on living from the heart.

    • July 30, 2011 4:57 pm

      Thank you for your comment. Learning to find our truth, ourselves is a process. I agree we have much to learn from babies and you’re fortunate to have one readily available! 🙂 I paid a visit to your blog and left a comment there which applies to your comment here as well. I’m really glad you stopped by. I hope you’ll come back again!

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