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Celebrating a “Backwards Birthday”

August 14, 2013

Buddhist blessing.

Today is August 14, 2013.  It’s my birthday and it’s a whole new world! First, I woke up totally convinced that it was my 63rd birthday. Something made me decide to do the math, just to be sure. I was born in 1951 and it’s 2013. I subtracted.  I still remember a little math, and my answer was 62. But, I was so convinced that I was 63, that in my early morning, pre-coffee fog, I decided that being 63 may not work in the first part of the year,  but once 2014 comes around it will be just fine!  So, yes, I was, indeed, 63. (I was also  up 2 hours earlier than usual! It’s the only excuse I can offer.)

I stepped out of the shower just as my husband arrived with my coffee and I told him my dilemma. He laughed at me, as he always does when I put my brain to work on practical problems before coffee and when it’s clear that my creative brain does not wish to cooperate. “No, dear, you’re sixty-two. You were born in ’51 and it’s 2013. Do the math.”

“I did!” My furrowed brow told him I really wasn’t convinced! For an hour I shook my head in disbelief, knowing I had to trust his conclusion over my own. However, as the coffee began to percolate through my system, I decided to go with it. In fact, I feel really good about being 62, in fact I’m considering permanently changing my birthdays to “Backwards Birthdays”.

This year I really do feel a year younger than I did last year. What if that continued? What if we didn’t have to dread our birthdays, but instead looked forward to being younger and younger? Would this make us feel better and better? At what point would we stop and say, “Hell, no! I don’t want to go back there?”

In all honesty, I would not want to be sixty-one again. It was a  hard year. Sixty was even worse. Fifty nine, was the worse of the three. Fifty eight wasn’t too bad, but fifty? I was so stressed out and overwhelmed with life that I wouldn’t trade sixty-two for fifty ever, ever, ever. I’ve learned so much in the past ten years, and it took the ten before that to get me to the point to make changes I needed to make.

This year I’m enjoying my “Backwards Birthday Celebration”. It has given me the gift of slowing time down just a bit, if nowhere else but in my mind. Isn’t that the only place where age really matters, anyway?

Thanks for being a part of my world this year. You’ve kept me going at times when I really wanted to quit.

May you be well.

May you be happy.

May you be free from suffering.

Today I’m not only celebrating being a year younger, but more importantly I’m celebrating the gift of a life with you in it!

©Dorothy Sander 2013 on her 62nd birthday.

P.S. Google wished me a Happy Birthday today, too. Maybe they should have told me how old I was! I’m pretty sure they know. I love technology. Before I even finished my coffee I had 3 birthday text messages and numerous Facebook well wishes. Solitude may be hard to come by in this technological world, but the love that is shared is at times truly palpable to me. DS

11 Comments leave one →
  1. August 14, 2013 9:15 am

    happy, Happy, HAPPY birthday to YOU!

  2. August 14, 2013 10:04 am

    Have a HAPPY DAY!

  3. Wilhelmine Estabrook permalink
    August 14, 2013 10:05 am

    Happy Any Year Birthday. The miracle is that we are here to celebrate it.

  4. nancy lendved permalink
    August 14, 2013 10:45 am

    Happy Everyday, Dorothy!

  5. Frankie permalink
    August 14, 2013 11:08 am

    Hope your day is full of good stuff! 🙂

  6. August 14, 2013 12:57 pm

    Have a wonderful day, Dorothy! I “lost” a year once, but in the opposite way–I thought I was turning 52 the year I was actually turning 53. THAT was depressing! LOL, numbers don’t really matter anyway; I’d rather be where I am and feeling great than 10 years younger and feeling crappy. May you have many, MANY more happy celebrations of your life!

  7. August 14, 2013 2:51 pm

    This year, on the occasion of my 69th birthday, my daughter send me a card wishing me a happy 70th birthday – to get me ready for next year!
    Happy birthday to you, Dorothy!

  8. August 14, 2013 3:59 pm

    Happy Birthday, Dorothy! Enjoy your special day! My youngest son shares it with you. Speaking of “forgetting”, I thought yesterday was the 14th and so I called & left him a message, wishing my son a Happy Birthday. Afterwards, I realized I was off a day and texted him back. I told him his mom is getting old & getting the days of the week screwed up. He said he was just getting ready to text me to ask if I’d meant to call a day early. We both had a good laugh about it. I guess that seeing the humor in the situation is the best way to handle it. ^_^

  9. August 14, 2013 10:01 pm

    Thanks all for the birthday wishes! It was a good day. The sun even almost came out! 🙂

  10. De De permalink
    August 15, 2013 8:52 am

    Have a wonderful birthday Dorothy! Even though I am a day late I still wish you a great year ahead. Thank you for your great thoughts throughout this year. You are a blessing. I really enjoy reading everything you post. I have been reevaluating my life in the last 2 years. I lost my father , then my mother and it seems that I have been trying to find my “right” place in the world since they passed on. Best of everything to you.

  11. August 16, 2013 11:48 pm

    U are funny. I was born in 1951 as well, but in January. I turned 62 last January. I don’t feel 62 in my mind. I’ve never felt my age..much younger. I agree with you tho…things do get better not worse as we age. Life is much kinder these days.

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