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Powerlessness is a Gift

June 7, 2013

teeter-totterI have been a student of powerlessness since the day I was born. When I momentarily forget that it is so, and think suddenly I have it all together and know a thing or two, life reminds me that there are yet many more things to learn. It’s like a ride on a teeter totter.  For a time I find I am dipping down, down, down, into the dark pit of complete helplessness and then, before I know it I am slowly rising up, up, up again until I find that I am teetering at the top of the world. Elated, yet perilously I dangle, shooting prayers toward heaven. I want to remain there. The view is incredible. Beyond my own feeble imaging’s and far exceeding all of my expectations.

But alas, sooner or later, the weight at the opposite end of my life craft, called earthly reality, releases its hold and down, down, down I go. Sometimes, I fall fast and furiously with such a force I crash hard and the wind is knocked out of me. Sometimes, I lie in  a heap, my head spinning, my body locked up tight from the pain of impact. At other times, it’s a slow descent, a coasting of sorts, into a new awareness, a more settled view…a softer landing, but a landing nonetheless. The ride is over. For awhile.

The ebb and flow of power and powerlessness is a life lesson I tire of learning, but it has so much to teach me. I’ve learned about humility and sorrow, inspiration and joy, loss and love. I’ve learned about fear and courage, despair and hope, confusion and clarity. What would my life be had I not had the opportunity to experience all of these life-giving emotions? Who would I be? The ride has made me stronger, calmer, more resistant to the winds of change. It has made me long for the heights and fight harder to find and attain it. It has not allowed me to be complacent, uncaring, or indifferent…it has forced me to see beyond what is right in front of me. It has taught me to hope.

Powerlessness is. Powerlessness is a gift, offering sight and insight, and it will stay with us as long as we continue to have something to learn from it. Of this I am quite sure.

©Dorothy Sander 2013

11 Comments leave one →
  1. June 7, 2013 1:33 pm

    thanks Dorothy. Sharing with my Lifes Third Trimester followers. The true gift of powerlessness only came to me in my later years. I’m glad you have the capacity to express this concept so well.

  2. June 8, 2013 12:09 am

    I agree readily, Sandy. I also learned and embraced powerlessness much too late in life. I could have saved myself much misery and heartache if I would have realized sooner how truly powerless I was and am! I’m thankful for life’s journey, no matter the cost and even more thankful for the peace and serenity I’ve enjoyed since recognizing my powerlessness.
    Thanks for reminding us thru your blog.

    • June 8, 2013 10:12 am

      I like to think that my youthful ignorance delivered to me exactly the experience I needed to get to this place and that in our youth we need that drive to accomplish all that needs to accomplished when we’re raising children! But, I agree. Life would have been easier had I known then what I know now. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  3. Elaine Wells permalink
    June 8, 2013 8:26 am

    Beautifully expressed! and I agree! It has taken me so many years to learn that I am powerless. God is and always will be in control. My direct supervisor died 9 months ago after a 6 week illness. I reluctantly moved into the position of OB manager. Now, I am the supervisor of my former co-workers. It’s been VERY difficult, but God has a plan.

    I LOVE that we who are aging are in our ‘3rd trimester’… goes along with my work as an OB nurse. 🙂

    • June 8, 2013 10:16 am

      Thanks Elaine! You certainly have had a shake up in your world! I have no doubt that many good things will come out of it. The bigger the challenged the greater opportunity for learning and growing into the magnificent person you were born to be. What a gift to be part of the process of ushering new life into the world every day. Thank you for what you do to make this world a better place. DS

  4. June 15, 2013 11:13 pm

    Hi, I’ve nominated you for The Liebster Award 🙂

    • June 16, 2013 10:34 am

      Thank you! What does that mean?

      • June 16, 2013 11:09 am

        It’s a WordPress award that bloggers hand out to each other. These awards are really a form of recognition as well as a way for bloggers to get to know each other. I explain the “rules” in my post “The Liebster Award.” You do not have to participate. Many bloggers don’t. They may acknowledge being nominated for the award and leave it at that. There is absolutely no pressure. However, one upside of going along (or at least acknowledging the award) is you get a bit more traffic to your blog. Anyway, I enjoy your blog (especially since I am well over 50) and wanted to “share the love.”

  5. July 29, 2013 6:17 pm

    Glad I found your Blog! I am just in the beginning stages of “realizing my powerlessness) it is taking some time 🙂 I am also in the begining stages of blogging, it is a great outlet and joy!

  6. Gail Thomas permalink
    July 29, 2013 6:27 pm

    okay….I thought I just left a comment..but dont see it, so I will try again, I am in my FIRST trimester of Blogging, and my third trimester in life. Had to move away from my three grown children and six grandchildren for the first time a little less than a year ago. I am learning many things in this chapter..but very slowly! That I have tried to control…EVERYthing..pretty much all my life….well who knew? I was just trying to make everybody happy! 🙂 Look forward to reading and connecting more!

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